Nkanu East sends SOS to Gov. Ugwuanyi

Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi

Executive Governor,Enugu State                                        

Your Excellency, 

Re: We are suffocating in Nkanu East LGA: Give us a new lease of life


In accordance with the fundamental rights of every citizen of Nigeria to participate actively in the democratic running of government at all levels, the PCEI has, on several occasions, written or copied letters meant for some relevant State agencies to Your Excellency as the Chief Executive Officer of Enugu State. This is also in accordance with the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy of the Nigerian Constitution 1999 (Chapter II Section 14 sub-section 2) which states that sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria and that government derives all its power and authority from the people. It is on these premises, Your Excellency, that we wish to bring to your notice, the deplorable condition of Nkanu East LGA and, we wish to earnestly, implore you to give it a new lease of life because it is suffocating and groaning under unbearable hardship as a result of years of constant neglect and abandonment.            

We also wish to state categorically, that our intervention is borne entirely, out of concern for the people of Nkanu East LGA in particular, and Enugu State in general. Consequently, as a duly registered Civil Society Organization (CSO) for nearly two decades, we have been consistent with our mandate and we do not in any way, engage in partisan politics. It is important to stress this point so that our advocacy would not be misconstrued in any way especially, in the Nigerian context where constructive negative remarks can be viewed as opposition and attack. 

  1. Brief historical background:           

Nkanu East LGA was carved out from the old Nkanu LGA in August, 1991 during the tenure of the Military Governor Col. Nnaemeka Akonobi. It has a landmass of 795 km2 and a conservative population of 148,774 inhabitants according to the 2006 National Census. Nkanu East LGA has a vast expanse of arable land and the inhabitants are predominantly farmers who produce a wide range of palm produce such as rice, palm oil, palm kernel, palm wine and cash crops - cassava, yam etc. The area has also some natural resources such as lime-stone at Amaechi Idoodo two large lakes teeming with fish (Omerigwe in Oruku and Ovu in Ekpọfụ - Akpawfu), timber etc. Nkanu East LGA with its Headquarters located at Akpugo-Ihuọkpara-Amagụnze 3 Corners is made up of the following 13 towns: Ekpọfụ, Ugbọka (Ugbawka), Nkerefi, Mburubu, Nọmeh Unateze, Nara Unateze, Owo, Amaechi Idoodo, Amankanụ, Oruku, Amagụnze and Ihuọkpara. Nkanu East LGA borders Ohaọzara in Ebonyi State to the South, Akpugo to the West, Enugu East and Isi-ụzọ LGAs to the North and Ishielu LGA of Eboyi State to the North-east.

  1. Nkanu East LGA is suffocating:

Your Excellency, in spite of the fact that, many of the communities in Nkanu East LGA have walking distance proximity to Enugu Metropolis, the inhabitants have been subjected to untold hardships as a result of the glaring lack of the minimum and basic social amenities such as access roads, functional health-care facilities, adequate/well-equipped primary/secondary schools, portable water, electricity to mention but a few. In fact, there are some villages in this local council where the inhabitants have not experienced vehicular movements in their life-time such as (Owachi, Odọbido, Ndiagụ-ọmụlọ) in Amankanu. Nkanu East LGA has been classified as the remotest and most backward local council in Enugu State - it lacks the most basic of social amenities.

2.1   The lack of access roads

2.1.1   Nkanụ East LGA is hemmed in from all sides and literally, cut off from modernity in a supposedly, democratic dispensation of the 21st century. The only road that traverses its Western part from Agbani - where some big towns are located such as Ugbọka, Nkerefi, Nara etc. is almost impassable during the rainy season. No road connects its southern  fringe - that is Ugbọka-Ihuọkpara-Amagụnze and Nkerefi-Ihuọkpara-Amagụnze. Similarly, the Ozalla 4 Corner-Agbani-Akpugo-Amagụnze-Ihuọkpara-(Onunweke EzzaegụEbonyi State) federal road was first constructed in 1981 by the former Governor Jim Nwobodo and later haphazardly, rebuilt in 2005 without drainages. Since then, it has been a nightmare for those who ply the road until recently, when a shabby and haphazard construction began on the road as a result of the federal government's threat to sue the contractors to which the contract was awarded during the immediate past administration of Goodluck Jonathan. The road in question however, terminates at 3 Corner adjacent to the Nkanu East local council headquarters at Amagụnze from where it branches off to Ebonyi Statevia Ihuọkpara; it does not go into the villages in Ihuọkpara and Amagụnze, respectively.

2.1.2     The road construction that was begun by Hon. Ejike Ani - former Chairman of Nkanu East LGA (2007-2011) which was supposed to run from Obodo-Nike (Enugu East LGA) through Oruku-Ekpọfụ to Amagụnze was regrettably, abandoned to the greatest disappointment of the traumatized inhabitants of this area who, hitherto, had heaved a sigh of relief when work commenced on the road as it was going to lift off an agonizing burden of trekking to Enugu from their shoulders. Unfortunately, some of the construction materials including about 600 bags of cement, a large quantity of rods are still lying near the bank of the Inyaba River between Ekpọfụ and Oruku where they were shamelessly and criminally, abandoned by the contractors and government agents who awarded the contract (See, attachment nos. 12 & 14). What a waste of scarce resources! What a waste of a golden opportunity! Till date, no explanation has been given by relevant government agencies why such scarce resources would be wasted in this manner nor has anyone been held accountable for squandering and appropriating the wealth of the poor citizens.

2.1.3     Another proposed access road by the immediate past Chairman of Nkanu East LGA Pastor Sam Iyiogwe (2012-2015), which runs from Amaechi-Idoodo to Amagụnze was also abandoned after sinking some amount of money in a futile attempt to bridge the Inyaba river at the Amaechi Idoodo-Amagụnze axis. That same road was later on, taken up by Your Excellency's administration two years ago under the Chairmanship of Hon. Ikechukwu Ubagụ but up till now, the project is still to be completed. For example, only 500 meters road has been constructed from Amaechi Idoodo. The same fate that befell the Sam Iyiogwe construction at the Inyaba river also became the lot of the current administration. As at now, the river has engulfed the shabbily built and sub-standard bridge and the inhabitants are back at square one so that those towns in the northern fringe of the LGA (Amankanụ, Ubahụ, Owo. Amaechi Idoodo, Oruku) still have to make a round-about and tortuous journey via Emene-Gariki (in Enugu metropolis) to Agbani-Akpugo before accessing the local council headquarters at Amagụnze - covering an extra distance of about 70 kilometers.

2.1.4   Another road which runs from Owo via Ubahụ to Amankanụ which was begun by Pastor Sam Iyiogwe suddenly stopped before reaching Ubahụ - his own home-town. Even the constructed part from theAbakaliki Express Way into Owo town was so badly built without drainages that it is already being washed away by rain because of the thin asphalt sprinkled on the red soil. Other towns such as Nomeh Unateze, Ekpọfụ and Mburubu are completely cut off during the rainy season. In the same vein, the inhabitants of Ama-ụrọrọ (Imeama autonomous community) in Ugbọka town are even worse off because of the Inyi-ikwe river which bars them from being counted during the National Census. In fact, the glaring lack of access road in this area is better experienced than imagined.

2.2    Lack of functional healthcare facilities

2.2.1   Your Excellency, the EnuguState built Cottage Hospital (not by your regime) at the Nkanụ East LGA Headquarters at Amagụnze is a sorry sight to behold. The entire compound is over-grown during the rainy season, inhabited by rodents and set on fire during the dry season which destroys all the ornamental trees planted to beautify the place (see attachment no 11). The hospital equipment has been vandalized and the whole place is deserted like a war-zone. Recall Your Excellency that the PCEI copied a letter (with an attached picture) which was addressed to the current LGA Chairman in 2017 to you, complaining about the deplorable condition of the hospital. Up till now, the hospital is not functional. The proposed federal government hospital at Umụnevo Amagụnze (2014) which was later on taken over by the Enugu State Ministry of Health was also abandoned after the ground was cleared (see, Attachment no. 9). Another Health Centre built at Ubahụ during the Jim Nwobodo administration is also in a terrible state of disrepair and offers only skeletal services for patients who are sometimes, brought to the place with Wheel Barrow (See, attachment no. 13). The constituency project hospital situated at Ndiagụ-Akpugo - sponsored by Distinguished Senator Gil Emeka Nnaji which was built in 2012 did not function and was inhabited by rodents until it was recently, gutted by fire (See, attachment nos. 2 & 3).

2.2.2   As a result of the dearth of adequate healthcare facilities in the area, infant and maternal mortality continues to rise at an alarming level. For example in some towns such as Owachi in Amankanụ, Ama-ụrọrọ in Ugbọka, Ndụbunegụ Ndabulu-ọwọ and Ogbọ'ovu in Ekpọfụ - pregnant women have to be conveyed to health centres by Wheel Barrows and bicycles because there are no roads in these areas. The World Bank sponsored health centre at Ekpọfụ was gutted by fire recently due to the carelessness of the security-man there and according to the Chairman of Nkanụ East LGA, there was no possibility of even rebuilding it though the State government has promised to do something about it (See, attachment no 16). There are only a few private hospitals in the entire LGA such as the Light Hospital and Maternity situated at Egụ'udene in Ejame Amaeze autonomous community - Ekpọfụ sponsored by a German NGO but the lack of access road constitutes the greatest obstacle to the patients who have to trek long distance to get healthcare services. The Light Hospital is 20-beded with Solar Power, bore-hole and fully equipped laboratory and run by Reverend Sisters (See, attachment no. 7). In many other areas such as Nara, Nomeh, Mburubu, Amaechi Idoodo Ugbọka etc. access to healthcare services is an uphill task. The resultant effect is that the majority of the villagers patronize quacks who make all kinds of prescriptions without any medical test and thereby, sometimes, complicate matters and cause untimely deaths.

2.3    Lack of portable water

2.3.1   In the entire LGA, access to portable water is a luxury. Only an infinitesimal number of government sponsored bore-holes have water such as the one sponsored by Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani (Enugu East Senatorial District) at Ejame Amaeze-Ekpọfu (See, Attachment no. 8) and some in Oruku town - sponsored by the Enugu State government. Consequently, most of the other bore-holes are not functional. For example, the bore-holes situated opposite late Igwe Emeka Nnaji's compound in Amagụnze (sponsored by Hon. Princess Peace Nnaji - Enugu East/West Federal constituency project (See, attachment no. 1) and the one situated at Ukpaeta - Ekpọfụ by the State government do not have water at all (See, attachment no. 4). The only source of portable water at Ukpaeta is a water-well sponsored by the PCEI (See, attachment no.5). Sometimes, water-tankers bring water to fill the bore-holes on the day of commissioning and after that, the bore-holes dry up - leaving the inhabitants with mouth wide open in amazement and utter disgust with the treatment meted out to them by those who pretend to represent them.

2.3.2     The resultant effects of the lack of basic amenity such as water are health problems as the inhabitants are forced to drink from contaminated ponds, rain water and flowing rivers which collect all kinds of impurities including rampant open defecation. It is no wander then why mortality rate especially among infants and pregnant women are on the increase in this area.

2.4    Lack of electricity

2.4.1   In terms of rural electrification, Nkanu East is a tale of woes. In spite of the proximity of some of its towns to Enugu - the state capital, less than ¼ of the area is connected to the national grid mostly through community efforts, the rest is in total darkness (See, attachment no. 6). The absence of rural electrification in this zone further impoverishes the inhabitants and drives its youths to migrate to the townships in search of green pastures. The cost of running palm kernel and cassava milling machines with diesel or petrol further drains available meager resources as a result of the lack of power. Without power, it would be impossible for business of any kind to thrive in this area.

2.5   Lack of adequate and equipped schools

2.5.1   According to the Enugu State Ministry of Education 2014 Annual Report, Nkanu East LGA has one of the lowest school enrollments in Enugu State. The cause of this does not stem from low birth-rate; rather it is as a result of poverty coupled with very low number of both public and private schools. There are many villages where pupils trek for more than 10 to 15 kilometers to reach a primary school. Sometimes, instead of building schools in those remote areas, government will build three separate schools in one compound such as in Ekpọfụ where three schools were built near Nkwo Market (in Ishiegụ autonomous community) forcing pupils from Uzamani and Ogbọ-ovu to trek up to 17 kilometers to attend school. The majority of public schools in this area lack portable water, toilets and proper classrooms. Most of the schools in the villages have broken floors and chairs, doors, windows, dilapidated, collapsing/and or collapsed walls for example, the school building at Ama-ụrọrọ primary school in Ugbọka and at Obodo-Uvụrụ Ekpofu are in such a terrible state that pupils now take lessons under the trees to avoid the roofs/walls collapsing on them (See, attachment no. 10 & 15). Nkanụ East has also the lowest number of re-trained teachers.

2.5.2   There is no doubt that this terrible environment has adverse effect on learning inputs and outcomes. The quality of teachers is also affected because many would not want to be posted in such an environment and those who accept to go there are hardly supervised as they come to school twice or three times in a week. Hence, the school syllabus is not covered to the detriment of the pupils which results in poor performance in examinations. As poverty and long distance trek constitute serious obstacles, the number of drop-outs from school continues to rise and the cumulative effect of all this is low enrollment in all the three stages in education - primary, secondary and tertiary.

  1.  Nkanu-East LGA  and democratic representation

3.1   Your Excellency, from the foregoing, it is clear that the democratic principle of representation does not in any way, favour the people of Nkanu East LGA. By representation is meant adequate and effect representation of interests of those represented as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution. This is lacking at all levels - federal and state constituencies in the legislative organs on the one hand, and on the executive arms as represented by the Enugu State government and the local council  -  Chairman and Ward Councilors on the other hand. As a result of this undemocratic practice, the ominous fate of 13 towns in Nkanu East LGA is vested in the hands of these few men and women. Obviously, the nature of the overly, expensive presidential system of government, the amount it takes to maintain these few functionaries when used judiciously, would have gone a long way in assuaging the yearnings and aspirations of the impoverished inhabitants of Nkanu East LGA. For example the representative of Nkanu East and West Federal Constituency at the National Assembly earns about 1.2 Billion Naira in a legislative period of 4 years at an average of 25 Million Naira per month. It would be inconceivable in a republican and egalitarian pre-colonial Nkanu society, to deny Nkanu East its fair share of whatever was to be shared.

3.2  Your Excellency, what would the people of Nkanu East be voting for in the forthcoming general elections? Certainly, not for the status quo ante which has, consistently, since the creation of the LGA in 1991, failed them miserably; thwarted and stunted the growth of both the current and upcoming generations. If the dividends of democracy are the stone-age and sorry state of affairs of Nkanu East LGA; if the aforementioned funeral dirge in this write-up is the lot of Nkanu East LGA; if more than 95% of financial resources of this local council go into maintaining a bloated Nigerian brand of presidential system of government; the impoverished and dehumanized inhabitants of Nkanu East LGA would wish, they were not part of Enugu State - that they were not represented at all because they have been swimming in a stagnant water nay, in an ocean of misery in which they are seemingly, irredeemably, doomed to sink to the bottom unless something meaningful is done and urgently, too. The status quo ante is a complete mockery of democratic representation which cannot be allowed to continue.

  1.  The case for equity, justice and fairness

4.1   It is the belief in the democratic principle of equity and fairness that compelled the inhabitants of the 13 towns in this LGA to surrender their socio-economic and political rights to a tiny group of political elite which will presumably, function as an unbiased umpire to ensure an equitable and fair distribution of resources accruing to the people. From what has been presented above, it is undeniable that Nkanu East has been left in the cold to freeze to death; Nkanu East has been denied the most basic and minimum socio-economic amenities. Nkanu East scores zero when compared to the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) such as access to water, healthcare, education etc.

4.2  Your Excellency, we in the PCEI are aware of the countless excuses and illogical arguments that obfuscate equitable distribution of resources in our state. Suffice it then to say that the buck stops at Your Excellency's table as the Chief Executive Officer - the Monitor and Overseer of all that takes place in this state. Your Excellency, you are the Governor of everyone in Enugu State and not a section of it. The sectional chauvinist trend of Nkanunization,Udinization and Nsukkanizationwhich has become the bane of our state does not give a sense of belonging to all citizens of the state. As at now, local councils are still under the State Governors who must take full responsibility of what their lieutenants are doing in their respective portfolios. The emphasis will of course, change when our lawmakers in tandem with the State Executives, would loosen their strangle-hold on the jugular of local councils and grant them effective financial autonomy. Until this is done, the burden of guaranteeing fairness and equity in distribution of resources and even development to the more than 75% of Enugu State inhabitants who live in the rural areas is placed squarely on the table of the Governor - the Chief Executive Officer of the State. The argument for fairness and equity is even more compelling as a result of the fact that, it is the same party that controls all the LGAs in Enugu State  since 1999 so that the issue of disparity in party manifestoes does not arise in any way.

4.3    Consequently, the issue of how the statutory allocations accruing to Nkanu East LGA in comparison to verifiable concrete development indicators as detailed above, sticks out like a sore toe in the democratic running of the local council. It is indeed a travesty of the highest order! Available statistics indicate that Nkanu East LGA gets a Federal monthly allocation averaging N150 million Naira (2017 estimate). It is heart-warming, Your Excellency and worthy of commendation that since your tenure from 2015, Enugu State's Internally Generated Revenue - IGR, has sky-rocketed, ranking Enugu 2nd behind Lagos State and thereby, dwarfing other older and presumably, more viable states such as Kano, Rivers and even Anambra State etc. We say kudos to Your Excellency for your ingenuity in growing the IGR to this point. However, care must be taken not to put too much burden on the shoulders of the struggling retail business owners in the state and the general public who are unduly, molested by over-zealous Tax Contractors who intimidate, chase, seize and destroy wares in a bid to collect revenue. The above figure, all things being equal - when deductions and other taxes are removed, at least two-thirds would remain to give Nkanu East LGA a face-lift and pull it out from the dungeon and pit of darkness to which it has been consigned for the past 27 years since its inception in 1991. Would Nkanu East LGA have been different if one hundred million or even fifty million Naira had been shared among its 13 towns on monthly basis? What a paradise it would have been! 

  1. Your Excellency, this song is a cry!

5.1   Your Excellency, this song, this litany of woes, this distress call - this lamentation is a funeral dirge - welling up from the remotest recess of our being. This is a cry of desperation and when the inhabitants of Nkanu East moan and groan under this heavy and excruciating burden like a woman in travail, others should not laugh! It is a distress call because it is not justifiable under any circumstance for a local council with 13 towns which receives monthly allocations of hundreds of millions of Naira from both the Federal and State governments to continue to languish in this stone-age squalor - denied of basic infrastructure. We are suffocating! Lift us up from this abyss of death!

  1.  Prayers and passionate appeal

6.1  Your Excellency, as we wish you well and pray for your victory in the forthcoming elections, we passionately, appeal to you to listen attentively, to our cry of desperation because we are really suffocating and our eyes are sunken with grief beyond imagination. What is to be done is not rocket science; it only requires a political will to be fair and just in governance which is what Your Excellency swore to uphold when you took the Oath of Office. The following needs - not wants are our human rights and we do not need to kneel down or prostrate in order to get them - they are our rights. Give us a sense of belonging!

6.2  Access roads: The following roads should be properly constructed with drainages:·      Agbani-Ugbọka-Nara-Nkerefi road;·      Amaechi-Idoodo-Amagụnze road;·      Obodo-Nike-Oruku-Ekpọfụ-Amagụnze road;·      Owo-Ubahụ-Amankanụ-Ugwogo road.

6.3  Healthcare: The state cottage hospital at the Nkanu East LGA headquarters at Amagụnze should be renovated, refurbished with resident Doctors and at least one health centre built  or old ones maintained in each of the 13 towns that make up the LGA. It is said that health is wealth. The lack of access to healthcare impacts severely on the inhabitants.

6.4   Building of more schools and renovation of old ones: Currently, Nkanu East is being left behind in the educational system as a result of the deplorable situation described above. In order to bridge this yawning gap, more schools should be built and old and dilapidated ones renovated and equipped. Let us borrow a leaf from what Governor Peter Obi did in Anambra State. Our ministry of education should under-study the miracle that is evident in Anambra State today which has impacted positively to the extent that Anambra State has overtaken Imo State for three consecutive times now although Abia State is currently holding the first position.

6.5   Enugu Industrial Park

6.5.1   Owing to the fact that Enugu State is one of those states that cannot survive without federal government's handouts, immediate commencement of the Enugu Industrial Park is a condutio sine qua non and a life-line. In our view, it is the single most important project that will, in a short while, clean the tears in the eyes of Nkanuland in particular, and Enugu State in general as it will open the state up to the international community. Your Excellency, we have carefully, considered all the arguments for, and against the building of this Park including those contained in the petitions written by some of the indigenes of the proposed area and arrived at the conclusion that the enormous advantages accruing to it far outweigh its demerits.

6.5.2   In view of the fact that the Park is going to be built at no cost to Enugu State, we passionately, implore your Excellency to expedite action and give the Sam Ogbu Nwobodo Committee on Enugu Industrial Park the necessary political backing to do the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and economic tree enumeration for compensation in conjunction with the Chinese so that work can commence in earnest before the next rainy season. Fortunately, Your Excellency was among the delegation that went to China during the Sullivan Chime administration when the deal to build the Industrial Park was initially, negotiated. It is a source of worry and bewilderment for the people of Nkanu that up till now - after about four years, work on the Park has not commenced. The expediency of the Park is even underscored by the fact, that it is a Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) with no financial cost to Enugu State. The Park, in spite of some disadvantages, is a singular factor capable of revolutionizing Enugu State and the entire South-East zone in a way that has not been imaged before - it will create more than 6,000 jobs and make Enugu a mini Dubai and business hub in the Southeastern geo-political zone. Additionally, the Park will certainly, provide the much needed social infrastructure - the lack of which has been the bane and undoing of the greater part of Nkanuland.

6.5.3    However, Your Excellency, adequate care must be taken to ensure specific long term benefits such as employment quota, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and other socio-economic linkages and value chains. In this regard, it does not need to be stressed that Enugu State representatives who participate in the crafting of the MOU should be experts assembled to navigate the rough waters of such Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) and advise the government accordingly. Failure to do this, will only confirm the widely-spread notion and self-evident truth that governments across board in Nigeria care less about the real interest of the citizenry. This will also, in addition, play into the Western nations' sponsored propaganda that doing business with the Chinese is equivalent to enslaving Africa and subjugating it to the former's exploitative and ingenuous sharp practices aimed at achieving economic hegemony in a globalized world of cut-throat competition. To forestall this negative scenario, particular care must be taken to enshrine Monitoring, compliance, enforcement and environmental auditing in the MOU so that all aspects of anticipated environmental impact can be identified and mitigated. The truth however is that business is a quid pro quo - give and take venture - which requires due diligence and strategic planning in order to avoid 'had I known which is a friend of Mr. Late'. The Igbo proverb -onye a rafulu arafu, uche ya ọ gara ebee? - a person who is duped or deceived, to where has his sense gone - captures this scenario quite aptly.


Your Excellency, what has been presented above are verifiable and indisputable facts which cannot be allowed to continue in a 21st century Nkanuland. Should your lieutenants in this LGA, who, obviously, are part of the beneficiaries of these age-long extractive economic and political structures that bleed our land to death try to convince you otherwise, take a tour of this area and see things for yourself. Visit some of the above-mentioned deplorable roads, ill-equipped health centres, dilapidated schools and dry bore-holes and see how the impoverished people are irking out a living, crawling and peeping through the mighty feet of the so-called representatives who bestride our land       like a Colossus while our people pick up the crumbs that fall from their tables. Your Excellency, having been excluded in phase one of Enugu Development Programme in this administration, it will be a great distributive injustice if Nkanuland is not given a pride of place in the development plan phase two after the forthcoming general elections in 2019.              

Thank you, Your Excellency for your patience. We wish you God's choicest blessings in your onerous task and a New Year full of energy and wisdom to face the challenges of governance in Enugu State.

We remain,

Yours faithfully, 


Rev. Fr. Dr. Tobe Nnamani,

(Executive Director- PCEI) 


CC:(1)         Distinguished Senator, Gil Emeka Nnaji - Enugu East Senatorial District;

(2)         Hon. Edward Uchenna Ubosi - Speaker, Enugu State House of Assembly;

(3)         Hon. Dr. Emeka Ujam - Nkanu East/Nkanu West Federal Constituency;

(4)         Hon. Paul Nnajiofor - Nkanu East-State House of Assembly;

(5)         Hon. Ikechukwu Ubagụ - Chairman, Nkanu East LGA;

(6)         Traditional Leaders - Nkanu East LGA;

(7)         Hon. Ozo Gab Onwuzulike - Commissioner for Rural Development;

(8)         Hon. Chijioke Edeoga - Commissioner for Local Government Matters;

(9)         Hon. Princess Peace Nnaji - Commissioner for Gender Affairs and Social Development;

(10)       Engr. Patrick Ezebuiro Ikpenwa - Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure;

(11)       Hon. Dr. Fintan Ekochin - Commissioner for Health;

(12)       Barrister Anayo Enechukwu - Author - A History of Nkanu.

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